Monday, December 27, 2010

Interview: Mac from Pierrepont Hicks

1. Pierrepont Hicks, I’ve always been intrigued by the name. Can you explain that for us? 

That one is classified. Sorry. ;)

2. In the past few years we have seen more traditional classic men’s styles making their way into popular culture. Why do think men are starting branch out and explore different styles and fashion accessories?  

Menswear is definitely growing in a million different directions.  The guys who are embracing more traditional styles and brands are really just craving quality in my opinion.  Guys want to buy goods that will last from folks who are trustworthy of accepting their money for product. Done deal.

3. Bow ties, they are certainly a very ‘now’ accessory. Do you think that they will continue to be as popular in the next 3-5 years? It’s really great to see. 

We’ve moving lots of bows – probably just as many as neckties and there is a huge bowtie culture out there of men we sell our goods to who never wear anything other than a bow.  People like professors, doctors, judges, architects, etc.… I don’t know that it will last for some of the people who wear it solely as a trend, but it is certainly nice to see people trying them out for the first time and then really embracing the look.

4. Innovation and creativity can be found at the heart of all great ventures. How do you make sure that your products are continually new and exciting

Our style is always evolving and we try to be a little unique. We never produce anything that I wouldn’t sport myself, so we aren’t really into a lot of the trends out there.  We have a lot of inspiration just from our life here in Minnesota, when we’re traveling or during our frequent visits to Brooklyn where we find ourselves constantly inspired.

5. Would you say that your business follows a structured process, with rules and set plans for new lines, or more of an organic one?  

I like to think that I am a structured person, but Pierrepont Hicks is more spontaneous and organic. Nothing is ever forced and being parents (2YO daughter and another girl on the way) it is literally impossible to stick to plans or structured timelines.  We launched in October with a Fall line which is the opposite of the fashion industry “seasons”.  We don’t know that ties really have to be marketed the way designer’s collections are (i.e. Feb = Fall fashion shows).  In February, we’re going to launch our Spring stuff online because that is what people are looking forward to at that time.

6. Where is strangest place you have received orders from? 

I wouldn’t say strange, but we have definitely been pleasantly surprised with the great reception from the international audience. When we started, we had no firm goals in place, other than let’s make some neckwear. We ship a lot to Europe, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Korea, Singapore, and are always intrigued when we see orders coming in from smaller and more random countries where we never even knew we had a fan base. We love shipping to all of our international customers. 

7.  Kanye West, Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley?  

No Kanye. Always Frank and sometimes Elvis.

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